Yeah once upon a time, i did have1 blog. I closed the blog just because i break up with my ex bf, well whatever. Im married now, thats IMPORTANT. So, lets take the journey to the msfadz life [oh seriusly korang mesti bosan nak baca].
Im just 18. Oke liar! Female. Married with no kids, actually just married for 47 days only!! Oke, a life as a wifey is more fun and your life is more meaningfull with someone that always with you 24/7. Believe me, a relationship with "halal" cert is much more fun and full with BARAKAH [ye itu yg penting sebenarnya].
Soooo tadaaaaa.. I'm gonna show you guys a few of my wedding photos. Sebagai sesi suai kenal ^_^
Right after akad nikah.
Outdoor Photoshoot with my sweety pie.
So, thats enough for today. Class dismiss.
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